So i got Supreme Commander the other day. I've been impressed with it. The quality of the graphics is amazing, and i was glad to see the ingame movies in HD. Granted, it falls a little short of the revolution in RTS i had been hoping for, but all in all it seemed like a great game to play, and very entertaining. I played it for about a day with only some minor problems. Then GPG released a patch, heh, more like and un-patch.
Now i graced with only 10-15 min of gameplay before the game crashes back to the desktop. Or worse off, gives me a BSoD, or even worse, just hard reboots my machine. I get all kinds of BSoD errors, from drivers to kernel errors. And then of course there's the annoying "the game disconnects all my USB devices" thing
... Yea... Weird.
So after visiting the Gas Powered Games tech support forums, it seems A LOT of people are complaining of this post-patch. Thread after thread actually. GPG is telling everyone to reinstall and repatch, giving a list of things to do. Using driver cleaners and reinstalling drivers, etc... etc... But nothing seems to help. GPG seems to be aware of the problem tho, and says they are working toward a fix for the problems as soon as possible, so i suppose that is good. There's even an incompatibility issue with Stardock Windowblinds on Vista! Appearantly the game is scared of windowblinds and makes you turn it off before you can play the game on Vista (not my problem tho). Had you guys heard about that (Stardock Devs...)? (of course you have... duh).
So i was wondering, is anyone here having similar issues if you have Supreme Commander. Brad (in case you're reading) i know you had the Beta of SC, did you get the retail version? Having any issues like this?
It had ocurred to me, had this been GC2, Stardock would have had a patch out for this by now, with this many people complaining. It's been about 5 days since this issue came up. It's becoming annoying that every gaming company isn't Stardock
So here i am... slightly peeved, waiting for a patch that would have already been out if it was for GC2. Posting on the GalCiv boards for a game that has nothing to do with Stardock... Heh...